Air Filter Problems That Are Affecting Your Air Conditioner’s Performance

Dust and mold particles usually reduce a home's air quality. When they find their way into an air conditioning system, they can also interfere with the performance of the system. To ensure that the air that an air conditioning system dumps into a home is impurity-free and to guarantee an efficient air conditioning process, manufacturers usually fit air conditioning systems with air filters. These devices usually work by trapping dust and mold particles, keeping them off both air conditioner parts and the home.

However, poor maintenance and installation mistakes can turn these filters into liabilities. The following are air filter problems that are likely affecting the performance of your air conditioning system.

Worn-out air filters

With time, air conditioner filters usually wear out. They develop tears that reduce their ability to trap any dust or mold particles. As a result, they usually end up allowing unwanted particles into the air conditioning system. This is a problem since the accumulation of these particles on the surface of the evaporator coil usually reduces the efficiency with which the air conditioner refrigerant can absorb heat from the air passing over the coils. Dirt and dust accumulation on moving parts of the air conditioner such as the motor, usually leads to a reduction in the effectiveness of lubrication, something that not only increases the rate at which the parts wear out, but also reduces their performance. Accumulation of unwanted particles over electronic parts of the air conditioner may also cause overheating of these parts. This may then reduce their efficiency. All these things usually combine to lead to an overall drop in the efficiency of the entire air conditioning system.

To prevent any of these complications from arising, regular replacement of your air filters is advisable.

Sucked-in filters

There are times when the filters of an air conditioning system are sucked into the air ducts. This is a condition that arises in cases where the filters are improperly screwed on. Rusting of the fasteners used to hold an air filter into place can also leave it vulnerable to getting sucked into the ducts. Clogging of the air filters can also increase the risks of this happening simply because the reduced capacity of the filters to let in air usually increases resistance. This increases the sucking effect acting on the filters, something that may then force it into the ducts.

Sucked-in filters tend to restrict airflow within the duct system. And since evaporator coil icing and reduced air conditioner performance is a common effect of restricted air flow, this is likely to blame for your system's performance issues.

To solve a sucked-in filter complication, you will have to start by removing the filter. If it hasn't been damaged, simply screw it back into place. And if its fasteners are broken or show signs of rusting, replacing them is recommended. For more information, contact local professionals like Cagle Service LLC.
