Is Your Furnace’s Motor Blower Failing? 4 Sure Signs

It can be frustrating when you retreat indoors after a hectic day only to find your furnace acting up. However, identifying the problem may be difficult as you may arrive at the wrong conclusion without proper knowledge. In addition, incorrect diagnosis may lead to faulty repairs that may add more strain to the components. This results in your heating unit's performance deteriorating and becoming more susceptible to breakdowns. Thus, it is vital to contact a heating repair expert to examine your system and fix the underlying issue. Below are signs your furnace's motor blower is failing.

Poor Airflow 

The blower motor could be defective if you have weak airflow coming from your vents. This happens due to dirt and dust accumulation, which restricts the motor from functioning efficiently. Moreover, when the ducts develop leaks, hot air will escape, causing poor airflow. Finally, if the end of your motor's service life is imminent, it may degrade in performance. Therefore, you should hire a contractor to clean or install a new blower motor and seal the ductwork.

No Heating

A failing blower motor will not push hot air through the ducts. This happens when you have electrical spikes or excessive current that causes the blower motor fuse to blow. Furthermore, a broken thermostat will read the temperatures erroneously and send the wrong signals to the furnace. Consequently, your heating appliance may fail to respond, hence no airflow from the vents. Thus, it is wise to engage a heating contractor to replace your relay or thermostat for proper airflow.

Strange Noises

Your heating appliance should make a relatively low sound when operating. Thus, when you hear unusual noises from your unit, the blower motor could be failing. For example, squealing noises indicate the belt is slipping from its original position or that your furnace has shot bearings. In addition, your unit will make rattling sounds if the screws securing the blower motor loosen. Therefore, you should contact a furnace specialist to determine the source of the noises and remedy them.


When your blower motor overheats, it emits an acrid burning smell. This is due to grime on the motor that hinders it from venting. Over time, heat will accumulate and cause the blower motor to overheat. Furthermore, an old blower motor will strain to deliver hot air, causing it to overheat. Thus, you must engage a repairer to clean your blower motor and install a new one if irreparable.

A well-serviced blower motor will allow hot air to circulate from the furnace to the rooms effectively. Therefore, you should schedule routine furnace maintenance with a heating repair expert to ensure your unit operates at peak functionality.

Contact a heating service for more information. 
