Common Furnace Repair Issues Every Homeowner Should Know

As the temperature drops, the last thing you want to experience is a malfunctioning furnace. A faulty heating system provides inadequate warmth and can be downright dangerous in extreme weather conditions. There are many reasons your furnace may break down and identifying the root problem could solve bigger issues and save you some major repair costs. 

Dirty Filters

The most common furnace issue is dirty filters. Changing your furnace filter every month can prevent damage to the system, which restricts airflow, and causes motors to work harder than necessary. If airflow is impeded, your furnace will overheat, reducing the efficiency of your system. Additionally, dirty filters can cause unwanted ripple effects on ductwork and drainage lines, which may cause parts of the furnace to fail.

Malfunctioning Thermostat

Another common furnace problem is a malfunctioning thermostat. If you experience frequent temperature fluctuations in your home or cold spells even when the thermostat is at a higher setting, there is a good chance your thermostat is malfunctioning. A lack of maintenance and calibration can become a bigger issue over time. In this case, you might have to replace the battery or control unit to fix the issue.

Pilot and Ignition Control Problems

If you have a gas furnace, common issues arise in the pilot and ignition controls. If your furnace doesn't ignite, it may be due to a dirty pilot, clogged burners, a faulty control board, or a damaged thermocouple. If you identify problems with the pilot light, call for professional furnace repair services to ensure safety and prevent complications.

Worn-Out Bearings and Blower Belts

A well-functioning furnace functions quietly. However, if you hear an unusual sound while your furnace is running, it can indicate that your furnace needs to be checked by an HVAC technician for worn-out bearings, blower belts, or motor mounts. Ignoring the problem could lead to greater damage, which may result in expensive repairs or furnace replacement.

Malfunctioning Limit Switch

The limit switch of a furnace controls the fan, which turns on and off to protect your furnace from overheating. If your furnace turns on but only produces cold air or shuts off just as it's starting, the limit switch can be at fault. You'll need to call an HVAC technician to repair a malfunctioning limit switch.

Fixing a furnace can be costly and time-consuming, so regular maintenance is essential to warn of upcoming problems and identify ways to keep your furnace up and running. While not all problems require the help of an HVAC technician, it's always best to call in the experts to avoid any potential risks or accidents. A little maintenance goes a long way in keeping your furnace healthy. 

For more information, contact a professional furnace repair service in your area.
