Central Heat Vs. Ductless Air Pumps

Heating your home can be costly. So to keep costs low, you want to make sure you invest in the system that works best for your climate and the layout of your home. In some smaller homes and apartments, ductless air pumps are the cheapest and easiest way to heat your home during the winter. However, in larger homes, having a central HVAC system is much more efficient. This article explains the main differences between central heat and ductless furnace pumps. Read More 

Why Are There Water Stains Around My HVAC Return?

If you have air returns that are on your ceiling -- these are the vents through which hot or cold air blows out from the HVAC system -- and you see little spots that look like water stains, it's time for some investigation. Those water stains mean something is likely wrong with the system or in that area of the ceiling. While it's possible it was a one-time thing, chances are there's something chronic going on. Read More 

How to Find and Change Your Furnace Filter

If you want to get the most you can out of your furnace as far as lifespan and efficiency are concerned, you definitely need to change your furnace filter on a regular basis. There are no exact guidelines for how often you should change your filter, but it is a good idea to do it at least once a year. This is especially true if you live in a climate where you depend on your air conditioning and heating throughout most months of the year. Read More 

Thermal Imaging And Commercial HVAC Energy Loss

There's no denying that it will always remain expensive to heat and cool a large commercial property. Yet that doesn't mean that there aren't ways to keep the costs as low as possible. Eliminating frequent sources of energy loss is a great way to do this. If you would like to learn more about where such losses occur, and what you can do about them, read on. This article will discuss the benefits of thermal imaging in detecting two common energy loss sources. Read More 

Heater Not Cooperating? Quick Tips For Troubleshooting The Problem

When your heater decides to malfunction in the middle of winter, you immediately go into panic mode. You probably automatically anticipate a call to your heating repair company. Luckily, issues with your heater don't also require professional attention. In fact, some heating problems can be easily remedied without the assistance of a repair technician. If your heater isn't working properly, use this simple troubleshooting guide to rule out minor problems before you call a repair technician. Read More